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Holistic Aromatherapy Oil
Holistic Aromatherapy Oil

An aromatherapy massage is a relaxing way to spend an afternoon for many people – but it could also have a lot of additional benefits you weren’t aware of.

If you consider an aromatherapy massage to be little more than an occasional luxury or beauty treatment, you could be missing out on far-reaching health and fitness advantages.

After all, massage is one of the oldest-known forms of human health service. Just like we’ve been using herbs and nutrition to help heal our bodies since records began, human beings have been using massage with aromatic oils as a way to aid with circulation, recovery, muscle development and psychological balance.

We’re going to cover some of the benefits of aromatherapy massage you might not know to help you justify spending a little extra time for yourself in getting this luxury treatment.

1. It Tackles the Issues of a Desk Job

Lately, research has begun to reveal the dangers of spending more time sitting down. Hours spent in front of a desk, tapping away at a keyboard, simply isn’t good for our bodies. Pair that time at work with hours relaxing on the sofa, and you’ve got all the ingredients of a dangerous sedentary lifestyle.

Fortunately, massage can help. Massage helps to improve circulation, and even helps with posture, which can be damaged by spending too much time sitting down.

Aromatherapy Massage is also one of the best ways to improve your energy levels, combining an energising essential oil with bodywork, so you can increase the amount of time you spend working out or exercising when you’re not sitting at your desk.

2. Aromatherapy Massage Makes You Happy & Reduces Stress

The idea that a relaxing massage might bring a smile to your face probably isn’t the most shocking concept you’ve heard of. However, the happiness-boosting benefits of massage especially with the use of organic essential oils, are more far-reaching than you’d think.

Massage therapy with essential oils is regularly offered as part of therapeutic and rehabilitation sessions because it’s good at improving emotional health, as well as physical fitness.

Studies are gradually beginning to reveal more benefits from using aromatherapy massage for conditions like depression, anxiety, and general low mood. Massage can improve the number of endorphins rushing through your body, and it’s great for leveraging the benefits of human touch, too. And the longer terms effects of regular massage can prevent chronic pain brought about by stress.

3. Aromatherapy Massage Reduces Blood Pressure

Studies also show that massage significantly improves your blood pressure, reducing the amount of pressure on your heart. If you’re suffering from hypertension, at a higher risk of stroke, or you’re concerned about your cardiac health in general, massage could be a good idea with the right selection of essential oils.

Massage works by manipulating the flow of blood throughout the body, helping to keep your circulation working exactly as it should.

Some studies have even found that a massage can continue to reduce your blood pressure, and positively affect the central nervous system, even days after you’ve had your treatment.

4. It Helps Stop You From Getting Sick

Although additional research into the impact of aromatherapy massage on immunity is still needed, initial studies indicate that having regular massage therapy with essential oils could reduce our chances of getting sick.

Why? Because aromatherapy massage doesn’t just improve the flow of blood in your body, but it can also significantly enhance the development of white blood cells too – which help to fight disease.

Massage also has a detoxifying effect. It can clear out the lymph nodes and get rid of toxins you might have had building in your body for some time.

This means that if disease does come your way, you’re more likely to be able to fight back.

5. Aromatherapy Massage Improves Sleep

We could all do with a better night’s sleep, right? If you’ve ever wondered why you feel like you could just doze off on a massage table, there’s a good reason. Getting a relaxing massage with organic essential oils helps to eliminate stress and pain throughout the body, putting you in a position where you’re ready for sleep. Think of it like taking a muscle relaxant – one of the main kinds of medication used to tackle insomnia.

Massage reduces the presence of factors that would otherwise keep you awake, like stress and general discomfort, so you can drift off more rapidly.

6. Aromatherapy Massage Makes You Beautiful!

While you might not feel like you’re the most attractive at the end of an aromatherapy massage treatment, with your flushed cheeks and your oil-covered body, massage can help you to become more beautiful in a multitude of ways.

Aromatherapy Massage helps to improve circulation and the turnover of cells. This supports the growth of new skin cells, for fresher and younger looking skin.

You can even use massage with specific essential oils to encourage the growth of new hair. Studies have proven that massaging the scalp improves the flow of nutrients and oxygen into the hair follicles, allowing for thicker and healthier hair.

With all these benefits, who wouldn’t want an aromatherapy massage more often?

Stretching provides excellent physical and mental preparation for meditation. Make your sessions more productive and comfortable by working on your flexibility. You’ll be able to sit longer and in a meditative state and more comfortably, especially if you add your favorite essential oil into the mix. See what the perfect combination of stretching and meditation can do for your total well-being.

Physical Benefits of Stretching

1. It allows you to sit more comfortably. A limber body adjusts more easily to any pose. You’ll be able to relax on a chair or cushion.

2. It enhances your posture. Slumping in front of a computer or TV shortens and tightens your muscles. Stretching exercises will show you how to correct your alignment and carry your body weight more efficiently. You’ll look better and be protected from many common injuries.

3. It helps you breathe more effectively. Controlling your breath while stretching will teach you how to breathe slower and deeper. Stretching also revs up your circulation. Let the blood and oxygen reach every part of your body. Depending on the state you want to achieve in your meditation, you can add your preferred essential oil to support your meditative practice.

It helps you extend your meditation sessions. Even a few minutes of meditation can produce dramatic results. However, the most valuable benefits and insights often come from being able to sit for longer periods of time.

Mental Benefits of Stretching

1. It allows you to shift your attention inwards. Stretching promotes mindfulness. You notice your body and breathing. External cares drop away.

2. It heightens your awareness. Follow that inward path. You’ll find that your intuition grows stronger, while discovering greater self-knowledge.

3. It boosts your energy levels. You’ve probably noticed that even small body movements can help you wake up when you start to drift off during a boring meeting. A long stretch is an ideal way to increase the energy flow throughout your body.

4. It reduces distractions. Put off worrying about the broken dishwasher or your child’s report card. You’ll see faster results from stretching when you engage both your body and mind.

5. It sharpens your concentration. Since stretching boosts your concentration, you can apply that ability to your meditation session and all other daily activities. Set a goal that you can focus on while meditating. See how long you can watch your breath. Bring your attention back each time you catch it drifting away.

Sample Stretches to Help Meditation

1. Practice sitting poses. The traditional lotus position awakens your energy level and quiets your mind. If you’re just starting out, a half lotus or easy sitting pose will generate some of the same benefits.

2. Twist around. Twisting from the waist squeezes out toxins. It helps your circulatory system and internal organs function better.

3. Strengthen your core muscles. Many stretches invigorate muscles in your back and abdomen. You’ll lower your risk of back pain and have more energy for meditation and daily tasks. Start each morning with a series of sun salutations.

4. Release neck tension. Sitting and sleeping in awkward positions can create chronic neck troubles. If you have difficulty lowering your head to your chest, gentle head rolls and other movements can put things back on track.

5. Soothe your shoulders. Similarly, many people get in the habit of keeping their shoulders raised. Try holding light weights in your hands to lower your shoulders. Aim to duplicate that feeling all day.

6. Wiggle your toes. You might be surprised to discover how much your toes can move once you give them a break from being squeezed into shoes all day. Curling and spreading your toes will cut down on foot pain and increase your balance.

Recharge your meditation practice by training for flexibility. Increasing your range of motion reduces stress and muscle soreness. You’ll feel more supple and peaceful during your meditation sessions and in the hours in between.

The history of scent is shrouded in mystery. Fragrances have been used for thousands of years to block out unpleasant odors, mask unpleasant smells, and invoke pleasant memories. However, the ancient Egyptians are credited with using scents as a form of therapy. They would burn incense in their temples during rituals or perform certain tasks like embalming bodies. The Greeks adopted this practice, and it quickly spread throughout Europe, where people would often burn incense during religious ceremonies or while praying to God for help with various problems they were having in life. In this article, we will discuss the history of scent and aromatherapy.

What is Scent

Scent is defined as any smell that has an odor. It can be a pleasant smell or an unpleasant one. There are many different types of scents, including perfume, cologne, essential oils, body lotion, room spray, air freshener, and smoke. Perfume is a mixture of chemicals that gives off a pleasing smell. Colognes and perfumes are usually made from synthetic fragrant compounds called "fragrance." Essential oils are extracted from plants and trees. Body lotions are made up of natural ingredients such as coconut oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, and beeswax. Room sprays are also made from natural ingredients, but they contain more than oils. They may include other things like herbs, spices, and even alcohol. Air fresheners are mostly ammonia and other chemical compounds that give off a strong smell. Finally, smoke is another type of scent that comes from burning something. This includes cigarettes, cigars, and pipes.

What is Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the study of using aromatic substances to improve mental and physical health. These substances are known as "essential oils" because they are derived from plants. Some of the key benefits of aromatherapy are that it helps to relieve stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and insomnia. It is believed that these benefits come from how the brain processes the aroma. When you inhale a particular scent, your brain releases endorphins, making you feel happy and relaxed. When you exhale the scent through your nose, your brain releases serotonin, making you feel calm and contented. What's not to love!

The History of Scent

Fragrances have been around since forever, and the power of scent has been used for different purposes throughout history, such as for:


In Ancient Egypt, women would wear perfume to attract men. Women wore wigs and makeup to cover up their hair and skin to attract the attention of men. Men would shave their faces and eyebrows to look more attractive. They would then apply perfume to their face and hair. (Think Kirstin Dunst in Francis Ford Coppola's 'Marie Antoinette').

And let's not forget Cleopatra who was famous for her beauty. In addition to her long flowing hair, her jewelry with her most popular accessory being a crown covered in precious stones, Cleopatra's perfume was said to be very precious containing musk, ambergris, and myrrh.


In the dark and middle ages, people would rub themselves with oils or creams containing essential oils to prevent them from getting sick. During this period, people would also wear perfume when they went to church. Church officials thought that if someone smelled nice while going to church, they were less likely to get sick during mass.

During the Middle Ages, it become more popular for people to wear perfume to ward off diseases. They would rub perfume onto their hands before shaking someone else's hand. If they got sick after touching them, they knew that they must not shake their hand again. People also rubbed perfume into their clothes to protect themselves from disease.


Scent plays a big part in our well-being today with millions of people using essential oils for relaxation and meditation. There is no doubt that smells affect how we feel. Scientists call this process olfaction (the sense of smell). Olfactory receptors are found in your nose. When you smell something, chemicals hit these receptors. These chemicals tell your brain what you just smelled. Your brain then tells you what you just smelled. That linkage in our brain can evoke memories, sensations and change our mood in an instant.

Scents and Modern Technology

The Power of Scent and Aromatherapy are inextricably linked in today's modern world with a greater desire for natural medicine and ingredients to increase our overall wellbeing. In addition, knowing the power of scent, we can see a huge increase in ventures, catering for our need for sensual experience.

The modern-day experience of scents include:

Scented boutiques

Remember the last time you stepped into an exclusive boutique? Was there a particular aroma wafting in the surrounds? This is not by chance. Certain scents encourage customers to hang around and enjoy the environment, giving them more opportunity to buy merchandise. These shops make sales. Customers can be attracted to the scent and be convinced to stay a little while and buy more from their store.


You may not have thought so but the scent in cinemas (not necessarily after a movie!) combined with the movie experience is designed to draw us in. Scents like popcorn, sweets, and coffee. These scents are meant to remind us of what we love about movies.

Staged homes in property and real estate selling

Realtors or Property Agents use scents to make houses look appealing. Scents like lavender are used to make rooms feel calm and peaceful. The smell of vanilla or fresh baking used in modern technology encourages sales

The workplace

The power of scent is also used to motivate employees. Employees work harder when they know that their boss has given them a friendly-smelling office. Uplifting scents such as lemongrass or bergamot can lift that post lunch slump!

Smell the Roses!

Image: Julia Blackshaw at the Saatchi Gallery, London.

We all want to live happy life. But sometimes, life gets so busy that we don't find time to do things we enjoy. That is why we need to take care of ourselves by doing things we enjoy. One way to do this is through using essential oils.

Essential oils are powerful. Inhaling or applying just a few drop of essential oil on your body, will help you to feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

In conclusion, smell affects our moods. It can change how we feel about things and people. For example, feelings of happiness, sadness, excitement, fear, or anger can all be triggered by smell. So make sure you have fragrant scents around you to keep you at your best.

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